DevSecOps Podcasts

DevSecOps Podcast Series

The DevSecOps Podcast Series, hosted by Executive Producer Mark Miller, focuses on how DevOps practitioners are using cultural transformation, experiments with new leadership principles, and devops open source tooling to integrate and automate security into the DevSecOps pipeline. Each episode features a DevSecOps practitioner, talking about their thoughts on security, projects they have worked on and responses to recent events in the software security side of DevSecOps.

We have had over 425,000 listeners to date and encourage you to suggest guests for upcoming episodes, including those with opposing views. Our focus is to help the community understand the concepts behind DevSecOps by presenting success stories, failures stories and industry specific experts as news happens.

In addition to listening to the episodes on the site, you can find the DevSecOps Podcast on all major podcast platforms, including iTunes and Spotify.